Creating Candid Fine Art Street Photography with One Subject

Dates: February 1 through March 8, 2025
Price: $595 per person
Format: 6 two-hour online sessions + individual assignments
Online Group Dates: February 1, 8, 15, 22, March 1 & 8 (Saturdays - Timings to be determined)
Group Size: 1-10 (this workshop will operate with only 1 attendee with a maximum group size of 10)

Unlock the art of fine art street photography with this focused and intensive six-day workshop designed for photographers looking to elevate their work to the next level. Running from February 1 to March 8, 2025, this course invites participants to explore the delicate balance between spontaneity and composition, all while mastering the craft of capturing candid moments that resonate deeply. Guided by renowned photographer Craig Boehman, you will dive into the nuances of isolating a single figure within your frame—whether on the bustling streets or in more controlled settings using a model.

Each day of the workshop includes a 2-hour online session, where Craig will introduce key concepts, review participant work, and provide tailored feedback. These sessions are designed to prepare you for the real work: getting out into the streets (or working with a model) to apply these techniques in real-world scenarios. The hands-on nature of this workshop ensures that the bulk of your learning happens on location, where you can practice capturing candid moments with the guidance and insights gained from the daily sessions.

The course will kick off with a pre-workshop Zoom call on January 28, 2025, where participants will be introduced to the course objectives, receive guidance on preparing for the assignments, and get to know their fellow photographers. This introductory session is crucial for setting the stage and ensuring you’re ready to make the most of each day’s workshop.

Through a series of insightful lessons, you will learn how to see, anticipate, and capture moments that tell compelling stories, transforming everyday scenes into powerful black-and-white images. This course is designed for advanced amateurs and professionals who are passionate about pushing the boundaries of street photography into the realm of fine art. With a focus on creating evocative, solitary figures within your images, you’ll discover how to blur the lines between reality and artistry, much like the masters of the genre.

Whether you’re shooting in the heart of a city or working with a model in a quiet setting, this workshop offers the flexibility to refine your skills and vision. Priced at $595 per person, this is an opportunity to delve deep into the world of candid fine art photography under expert guidance, with the support and feedback needed to take your work to new heights.


  • Any skill level. It would be beneficial to have some experience in street photography but in no means is it required.

  • What's unique about the lesson plans is that I'm taking into consideration that for those of my attendees who might not have any experience with street photography directly, a friend or stand-in model can be used in order to create candid street photograph moments in the fine art style. And for those who are comfortable with street photography, you have the option to use a model too in addition to using strangers as subjects. This will be covered in detail in the pre-workshop meeting.

  • The online sessions will cover essential techniques, compositional strategies, and creative approaches in fine art street photography, with a focus on isolating a single figure in candid, black-and-white images. Each session is designed to prepare you for hands-on assignments, providing the knowledge and guidance needed to elevate your work in real-world scenarios.

  • The personal assignments are designed to apply the concepts discussed in the online sessions to real-world photography. You'll be tasked with capturing candid images that focus on isolating a single figure, whether on the streets or with a model, to create compelling black-and-white fine art photography. These assignments allow you to practice and refine your skills in your own environment, with feedback provided to help you progress.

  • I can send you an invoice with PayPal and debit/credit card options. Just contact me through my website or email me at

    Alternatively, you can make payment in full with the attached QR code. Note that the QR code payment would be via Razorpay in the amount of INR 50,000.

  • A mirrorless system is preferable but any camera that you own and comfortable with using is the one you should use. You can even make do with a smartphone camera.

  • Yes. We will cover post processing in the online sessions. I would highly recommend that you own your own photo editing software and have at least basic understanding of image editing. For this workshop, we will be converting our images to black and white, so a full understanding of color isn't required but would be highly recommended for your future photography journey.

  • You’ll take away a specialized skill set that bridges the worlds of street photography and fine art. Through this workshop, you’ll learn to plan and capture compelling images centered on a single individual—perfect for areas with fewer people and a powerful foundation for handling larger crowds. Just like learning studio lighting starts with mastering one light before adding more, this course focuses on isolating one figure, giving you the confidence and preparation to tackle more complex scenes as you advance. By the end, you'll have a refined portfolio and a deeper understanding of how to create evocative black-and-white images in any setting.

  • Yes, personalized feedback is a key component of this workshop. During our group sessions, we will conduct critiques where everyone has the opportunity to receive constructive feedback on their images. If you prefer not to participate in group critiques or would like additional one-on-one feedback, I can organize a separate private call to discuss your work in more detail, as time permits. My goal is to ensure you receive the guidance and support you need to elevate your photography.

  • Yes! While the workshop is designed with advanced amateurs and professionals in mind, motivated beginners who have a strong interest in street photography and are eager to learn will also benefit greatly. The workshop covers essential techniques and concepts from the ground up, focusing on key skills such as composition, capturing candid moments, and creating fine art photography. If you’re passionate about street photography and ready to challenge yourself, this workshop will provide you with the tools and insights needed to develop your skills, regardless of your starting point.

  • If you miss a session, don’t worry—each session will be recorded, and you’ll have access to the recordings to catch up on what you missed. However, please note that rescheduling individual sessions won’t be possible, so it’s highly recommended to attend live whenever you can to fully engage with the group and participate in real-time feedback and discussions.

  • To get the most out of this workshop, it’s essential that you’re comfortable with your camera, particularly using Manual Mode. Familiarize yourself with adjusting your camera’s settings, such as shutter speed, aperture, and ISO, as we’ll be working with precise techniques that require full control over your equipment. Practicing in different environments, focusing on isolating a single subject within a frame, will also help you feel more prepared. This workshop is designed to challenge your creativity, so come ready to experiment and push your boundaries with the confidence that you know your camera inside and out.

  • Yes, there is! After the workshop concludes, I will set up an online forum or a private Facebook Group where participants can continue to post their pictures, share experiences, and stay in touch. This space will allow you to benefit from ongoing feedback from your peers, fostering a supportive community where you can continue to grow and refine your skills. While I may not always be available to provide direct feedback, the group’s collective insights and encouragement will help keep your momentum going long after the workshop ends.

  • Yes, workshop materials will be provided. At each online group session, you’ll receive a PDF lesson plan outlining the key concepts and assignments for the week. These materials are designed to support your learning and provide a valuable reference as you work through the personal assignments.

  • All workshop registrations are nonchangeable and nonrefundable. My workshops are small groups, and dropping out can negatively impact the dynamic for others. While I do my best to accommodate attendees who must drop out, I can’t guarantee that this workshop will be offered again. It’s highly recommended to purchase trip cancellation insurance.