Social Mirror

Social Mirror, blog by visual artist Craig Boehman. Discover the stories behind my work and explore exclusive insights. Social Mirror is my dedicated space for meaningful engagement and deeper conversations. Join me to connect beyond social media.

The stories behind my work and explore exclusive insights. Social Mirror is my blog and dedicated space for meaningful engagement and deeper conversations. Join me to connect beyond social media and experience the full journey of my creative process.

Craig Boehman Craig Boehman

How I Turn My Street Photography Into Art #3

Welcome to my series where I tell the story behind some of my fine art photography pieces. I hope to convey to photographers that street photography is a great source for creating art. If you’re like me and love the visual arts but lack any talent to paint or draw, photography has become my artistic surrogate that allows me to create whenever I desire. That’s because my companion passion is street photography and I’ve literally thousands of images to choose from to create fine art photography pieces, and with and with any luck, I’ll be producing works of art for years to come.

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Craig Boehman Craig Boehman

FishEye Mumbai

I foolishly brought my Rokinon fisheye lens to the beach thinking I would shoot some ICM with it. Unfortunately, I don’t have an ND filter for it and the conditions were much too bright to take slow shutter shots without one. I did happen to bring a backup lens with me, fitted with the appropriate ND8 (neutral density) filter that worked just fine. But another strike against me on this outing as I didn’t get anything good despite shooting over 800 Raw files. So on the way out of the beach, I slapped the fisheye lens back on because I knew there was shade up on the road where I’d catch my cab back home.

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Craig Boehman Craig Boehman

How I Manage India’s Heat as a Photographer

If you’ve visited India before, then you know it’s not only about the heat; there’s also some nasty humidity to deal with. During the summer months, that can make a 95F day feel like a 123F day when the humidity is clinging to you at 70 percent. This isn’t an uncommon scenario, by the way.

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Street Photography Craig Boehman Street Photography Craig Boehman

A Goa Roadblock

I’ll be the first to admit that shooting street photography on vacation isn’t always a fruitful endeavor. Whenever I travel to Goa, I have the same conversation with myself. Should I take the camera or leave it at home? If I take it, I’ll likely not use it that much and have to pack onto the flight with me as carry-on. If I don’t take it, there’s always the chance that I’ll miss the shot of a lifetime.

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Prints Craig Boehman Prints Craig Boehman

Why I Offer Limited Edition Prints

I’ve recently rebooted my website and I wanted to offer something special to those interested in my fine art photography prints. I thought there would be no better way than to offer custom prints that are signed, limited, and authenticated by a recognized brand.

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