Social Mirror

Social Mirror, blog by visual artist Craig Boehman. Discover the stories behind my work and explore exclusive insights. Social Mirror is my dedicated space for meaningful engagement and deeper conversations. Join me to connect beyond social media.

The stories behind my work and explore exclusive insights. Social Mirror is my blog and dedicated space for meaningful engagement and deeper conversations. Join me to connect beyond social media and experience the full journey of my creative process.

Craig Boehman Craig Boehman

Keep It Light: Edit Your Photos With Snapseed While Traveling

Discover the ease of editing photos on the go with Snapseed while traveling light. In this blog post, I share my experience using the Sony ZV-1 and Snapseed for street photography and documentary projects. Learn how to efficiently transfer, edit, and share high-quality images without carrying bulky gear. Perfect for photographers seeking a minimalist approach to travel photography.

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