Social Mirror

Social Mirror, blog by visual artist Craig Boehman. Discover the stories behind my work and explore exclusive insights. Social Mirror is my dedicated space for meaningful engagement and deeper conversations. Join me to connect beyond social media.

The stories behind my work and explore exclusive insights. Social Mirror is my blog and dedicated space for meaningful engagement and deeper conversations. Join me to connect beyond social media and experience the full journey of my creative process.

Craig Boehman Craig Boehman

Introducing Social Mirror (Blog): A New Approach to Social Media

I’ve always been uneasy about our reliance on social media for personal and business needs. Their influence limits our control and authentic communication. Instead of abandoning social media, I propose using it to benefit us more by driving traffic to personal websites. My blog, Social Mirror, aims to streamline this process, offering insights on leveraging Instagram and Link models for better engagement.

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Instructional Craig Boehman Instructional Craig Boehman

Why You Should Own a Website in 2024

Discover the benefits of owning a website over relying solely on social media. While social platforms are essential, they often lack control and exploit user data. A personal website offers full ownership, custom presentation, and direct monetization—unavailable on social media. Explore how a website can serve as your true online home, offering long-term accessibility and better SEO opportunities without the constraints of social media terms.

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