My First Portrait Session Shooting ICM

ICM portrait photography by Craig Boehman.

Transitioning from street photography to portraiture with a model wasn't as easy as I thought it would be - considering that I'm shooting with ICM. I burned through my SD card in less than 45 minutes and I didn't even think to bring backup. Who takes 1,400+ shots in a portrait session, anyway? Lesson learned.

I've only just begun my new direction in ICM photography since the end of March this year and I only see myself taking this further into unchartered waters.

I may add a gallery here as I edit the many images I took during this session. Check back for updates.


Shot at Silver Beach, Mumbai.
Model: Pallavi R.

June 6, 2022 update.

Fair warning, I'm quite obsessive when it comes to photography and the arts in general, so I can't be sure when I'll phase out my ramblings about ICM as a technique since discovering and experimenting with it this year. But it's worth repeating here again that ICM has not only completely transformed my photography overnight, but it has also retrieved me from a very dark place since falling into despair over the severe creative dissatisfaction with my old photographic life. I don't think there are many words that exist that can express such a turnaround and transformation, personally speaking, in such a short span of time. The work I do with ICM still has to mature and my corresponding visions and the process itself require a lot of time and dedication. That said, what relief and joy at the prospect of finally approaching the artistic waters I've wanted to navigate for much of my life.

Once again, this is my first ICM portrait session with a model, a friend whom I photographed before when I just did what I now call traditional photography. This session was intended to be completely experimental, in part to see what I could do with fairly standard beach backgrounds and during some of the worst late summer heat and humidity that Mumbai has to dish out.

June 9. 2022 update.

They say that no two ICM images are the same straight out of camera. This is true. What some may not know is that no two 'looks' from the same session need be the same.

You've probably seen a wild variety of edits from this ICM portrait shoot. Well, guilty as charged. I'm not only exploring the ICM method but I'm also exploring various editing techniques to see if I can't find a niche. And by niche, I don't mean style. Niche for me includes style as well as an audience and the ability to make a living from what I do creatively as a visual artist who sources imagery from the world around him.

In the meantime, I can't help but enjoy the process immensely!


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