Man Machine I

Abstract art by Craig Boehman.

Giving "Man" first billing is being gracious of me simply because if I'd provided full context, you'd easily notice that the machine part of the story is much larger than that of the human. The original image is of this gentleman sitting inside a large earth-mover at a construction site. As it is now, it looks to me as though he could be playing a video game. Even this could be an analogy for modern life.

I'd been reminded not long ago of the overly simplistic definition of 'cyborg', although it is kind of curious that (however reputable they might be at the top of Google Rankings) chose to place its existence solely within the world of science fiction:

cyborg. / (ˈsaɪˌbɔːɡ) / noun. (in science fiction) a living being whose powers are enhanced by computer implants or mechanical body parts.

How soon until carrying small devices to aid us in communications, information, and entertainment, will no longer be necessary? How soon until ai makes the decision that bio-batteries (read as humanity) are no longer necessary for running smart devices and other large pieces of equipment for industrial use? How long until humanity is dropped from the lexicon of intelligent entities, relegated to archaic definitions created in an extinct era?

Original edited image.

Original street shot by Craig Boehman.

Self-Portrait 8.23.22


The Keepers: July 16, 2022