A Test Edit From My Next Project

Fine art by artist Craig Boehman

A sneak peek at a work in progress. This will eventually be part of a new limited edition series on canvas. I'll be exploring images sourced from another location in Mumbai. I don't know what size I'll be producing yet, but I'll limit each image to 2 or 3 prints for collectors.

I began shooting for this project (officially?) yesterday during an ICM session. I took nearly 1,000 shots and this image was plucked out of the mix at random just to see if I could do something with darker subjects from the more colorful samples. I think the experiment paid off because I really like what I have going so far, so I'm going to finish this edit and do a test print.

It's probably too early to talk anymore about this image but I think I'll post more partial edits (my version of sketches) of upcoming work just as a change of pace to what I've normally been doing here and with social media.


A Meet nā€™ Walk With Gopal Form Mumbai Paused


The Transition From Photographer to Artist