2023 the Year That Fake Shit Became Real

Generative art by artist Craig Boehman. Limited editions and more available at www.CraigBoehman.com.

I call this series, "Mirror People". I ripped the name off from a Love and Rockets track.

I can't speak for the video realm, but I can say without a doubt that if done correctly, there's almost no way to distinguish between real and AI-generated people for stills imagery. I predicted this would happen in a matter of months after I started using the technology in 2022, and I'm fairly confident it's already come to pass. A brief perusal of the headlines will reveal entire panels of judges being fooled by AI entries into photo competitions. And some of these images were completely obvious to those of us who work with AI (botched hands, strange artifacts, and low resolution being the biggest giveaways).

And the technology keeps getting better literally by the day. And for those of us who know photo editing, we can easily fix any small mistakes made by AI and enhance the results. We've entered a new era for digital imagery in 2023 - the year that fake shit became real.

Which of the images are your favorites, if any?

These images and more are available as NFTs at Rarible. I would consider creating a limited edition run for prints on request.


It Makes Me Want To Go Out and Take Pictures


My Thoughts Behind the Piece, “Another Vision”